Healthy Life Center

Natural Remedies To Reduce Stomach Acid

Reduce Stomach Acid

If you'd like to reduce stomach acid by using natural methods, this article is for you. Below are some of the best natural remedies you can use to solve this problem.

1. Basil Leaves

The carminative and soothing qualities of basil leaves give you immediate relief from acidity. Simply boil 4 basil leaves in the little cup of water, letting them simmer for several minutes. Once done, sip on it often. You can also eat basil leaves if that's what you prefer.

2. Fennel

Thanks to the gastrointestinal benefits of fennel tea, it can easily help improve the health of your digestive tract. This tea can aid bloating and indigestion due to the oils that are found in the seeds.

3. Cinnamon

This spice is like a natural antacid for your stomach acidity that can significantly improve digestion. You can drink cinnamon tea for healing infections in your gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon contains a great number of nutrients with health-benefiting properties.

4. Ginger

Ginger has amazing anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. To neutralize stomach acids, drink one spoon of ginger juice 2-3 times throughout the day or chew a little slice of it.

5. Buttermilk

In Ayurveda, buttermilk is considered as sattvic food. So, whenever you are bothered by acidity after finishing your meal, you can skip an antacid and instead, drink one glass of chaas. Thanks to its lactic acid, buttermilk can normalize acidity in your stomach. For best results, you can sprinkle some black pepper in it as well.

6. Cloves

Cloves hold an important place in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine for treating digestive disorders. They're carminative in nature, which means they can prevent gas formation in your gastrointestinal tract. You can add cloves while cooking the foods like a black gram or kidney beans that often cause flatulence. Also, you can eat cardamom and crushed cloves in order to get rid of both the acidity as well as a bad breath that often accompanies this issue.

7. Cold Milk

For lactose-intolerant people, milk can help in stabilizing gastric acids in their stomach. It's rich in calcium that prevents acid buildup in your stomach. Simply drink one glass of cold milk whenever acidity is bothering you and you'll feel relief soon enough.

8. Banana

Bananas are very healthy fruit thanks to their health-benefiting properties. They contain natural antacids which function as a buffer against acid reflux. You can eat one banana each day for preventing discomfort and reducing stomach acid.

9. Coconut Water

After drinking coconut water, the pH acidic level of your body turns alkaline. Also, it helps in producing mucous in the stomach that protects it from the damaging effects of excessive acid production. Thanks to its richness in fiber, it can aid digestion and prevent a re-occurrence of acidity.

Final Thoughts. As you can see, there are many great natural remedies you can use to reduce stomach acid. Now, simply pick your most preferred one to start seeing the good results it brings.