Healthy Life Center

How to Succeed with Your Weight Loss Goals even if You're Over 40?

If you're struggling to lose weight and shed those extra layers of fat, then read below on natural ways to combat your excess pounds and stay fit and healthy

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Let's face it, most of us women have struggled with extra pounds one time or another in our lives. It's the issue that's only increasing in the western countries. Even despite some studies that show consumption of sugars declining in the US. However, obesity and people becoming more and more overweight is not stopping any time soon.

So the best thing we can do is educate ourselves on natural ways to combat weight and burn those calories before serious issues arise. You've probably been on most diets like probably every woman out there. Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, etc... 

If you're here, it probably means those diets didn't work huh? You're not alone. 

As it turns out losing weight is not as simple as stopping to eat your favorite foods and dieting few days per week. What happens to our bodies is we not only gain our weight back, but often times add extra pounds. As we "starve" or diet, our body enters "starvation mode", when it starts preserving all the fat from the body as a protective mechanism. 

Losing weight becomes even harder, cravings become even stronger. And sooner or later we give in and go back to our usual habits. That's not the way to go.

It this article, we'd like to highlight some of the alternative natural weight loss methods that do not involve starving ourselves to death or going through excruciating exercise routines.

1)  Here's one method of burning fat that scientists have labeled a "tropical loophole", because the origins were discovered in a tropical island where some of the healthiest people on earth live. 

Backed by scientific studies, this method seems to tackle the root cause of slow metabolism, which we know is a giant culprit of excess weight. As doctors claim, it activates "fat-shrinking-cells", which burn fat 700% faster rate. You can read more about it or watch a full video presentation found on the next page.

2) Another method to melt those stubborn fat cells comes from research by an award-winning doctor who studied local population in Greek Island for 10 years. No matter what fatty foods these people ate, they just couldn't add extra pounds it seemed. 

After digging deeper, scientists have discovered an unusual purple weed that these people would crunch and drink as juice every morning. After further research it turns out this plant is extremely potent in supporting weight loss for individual from 35 to 75 years of age.

You can learn more about the benefits of this discovery by clicking this link.